BackupExec has a very limited implementation of NDMP. I believe for NetBackup it is an additional license.
Dumps can be done in different levels 0-9 with zero being a full backup and 1-9 being incremental since the next lowest integer. ie: 0 level on Sunday, 1 on Monday, 2 on Tuesday, 3 on Thursday, 4 on Friday, 5 on Saturday. This would give you an incremental for the week with full dumps on Sundays. Differentials can be defined as well.
As far as scheduling, that would require some non-NetApp scheduler to perform. Windows Scheduler to kick off an rsh session.
I have used many different backup platforms and the easiest to use I have found is BakBone's NetVault. I also like BakBone's Integration with NetApp. They are the developers of SnapVault and have plug-ins available to perform SnapMirror to Tape.
I would have to agree with Tim. NDMP is a better utility to use for backing up to a robotic library. You get to take advantage of the media changer and can utilize multiple drives for backups. While with dump you can only use a single drive/tape system. A waste of your scalar 24.
Alan Biren
Senior Systems Engineer/Storage Architect
AMC Corporation
(212) 736-0111
From: owner-toasters(a) on behalf of SKIP HOFMANN
Sent: Mon 9/13/2004 4:42 PM
To: 'Timothy Sesow'; toasters(a)
Subject: RE: using NDMP for backups
Dang good to know!
Thanks again
From: Timothy Sesow []
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 1:27 PM
To: SKIP HOFMANN; toasters(a)
Subject: RE: using NDMP for backups
Just as an aside, don't use TDK media in the Scalar 24 library. The center of gravity on the cartridge is a little different than the others (eg, Fuji) and the Scalar 24 will sometimes not detect the presence of the tape cartridges in a slot due to placement of the sensor in the library. Not TDK's fault really, just a matter of compatibility.
This was my biggest problem in getting a Scalar 24 hooked up to the NetApp (tapes just kept appearing and disappearing from the inventory).
Tim Sesow
VP Engineering
cell 303-809-8070
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 2:24 PM
To: Timothy Sesow; toasters(a)
Subject: RE: using NDMP for backups
Hey thanks very much for the info, it is very helpful.
From: Timothy Sesow []
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 1:16 PM
To: SKIP HOFMANN; toasters(a)
Subject: RE: using NDMP for backups
#1 - You can attach on of the drives from the Scalar 24 directly to the NetApp (I have used this library with NetApp before and it works fine). You can also attach the robotics (Medium Changer) to the NetApp, too, if you wish to have the whole library on the NetApp. NDMP will recognize any/all of the devices and export them over the network for Veritas NetBackup to find.
#2 - You can use "dump", but you have to move the cartridges in and out of the drive yourself. "dump" is really focused on a tape drive, not a full tape library. If you use Veritas, you wouldn't use the "dump" command, and NetBackup (I don't know about BackupExec) can move the media for you. NetBackup does not call "dump", it uses it's own commands over the network to the NetApp, where the NDMP task on the NetApp then writes/reads the tape.
#3 - You need to get someone else on the list to answer this fully, but I don't think there is any way to schedule backups on a NetApp with "dump".
Tim Sesow
VP Engineering
cell 303-809-8070
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-toasters(a) [] On Behalf Of SKIP HOFMANN
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 1:54 PM
To: ''toasters(a)' '
Subject: using NDMP for backups
Hi all
Currently we have a R200, that house around a TB of data. We are currently using Veritas 9.1 to do the backups over cifs shares, using this method our backups jobs take a very long time to complete, and I have heard that this method is not really a supported one or the preferred method. I would like to use NDMP to backup my data. I have a few questions about this method.
#1 are backup tape device is an adic scalar 24. The tape drive is a IBM ULTRIUM-TD2. Using NDMP can I hang this tape device right off the R200 and just use the "dump" command?
#2 we currently use Veritas software, can I continue to use this application if I'm using NDMP, or should I just use Dump?
#3 Can I use the dump command to do incremental backups and schedule backups.
Thanks for any information
Skip Hofmann
Senior Network Administrator
949 500 5286 cell
949 608 5801 office
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