Just checked on toasters and for an F740, the
"Recommened Release" or "General Availability Release"
as it is not called has been 6.0.1R3 for quite a while.
The "First Customer Shipped" (previously called "Early
Access") releases are 6.0.3, 6.1R1, and 6.1.1R2.
Just FYI
-- Adam Fox
NetApp Professional Services, NC
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Thompson [mailto:cet1@cus.cam.ac.uk]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 5:30 PM
> To: listsarch-toasters(a)enteract.com
> Cc: toasters(a)mathworks.com
> Subject: Re: ontap 6.x
> nlehrer(a)ibb.gov (neil lehrer) writes
> >
> > is it time to adopt 6.x?
> Of couse, that's an impossible question to answer in vacuo.
> My feeling is that for those who usually run Early Access releases,
> 6.0 is increasingly looking like the place to be. We are planning to
> upgrade the F740 we use as the primary filestore for our (somewhat
> grandiloquently named) Central Unix Service from 5.3.7R1 to 6.0.1R3
> at the end of next week, when the university term ends. I want the
> fast snapshots, but apart from that I want to be on the track where
> bugs are fixed fastest, and that's clearly 6.0 now.
> On the other hand, the two F740's used by our mail systems have much
> more stereotyped usage patterns. They are currently at 5.3.6R2 (which
> is, after all, still the "Recommended Release") and it seems unlikely
> they will be upgraded before the summer, at the earliest. If
> you aren't
> pushing the edge of the envelope, in one way or another, there's no
> enormously compelling reason to move yet.
> Chris Thompson University of Cambridge
> Computing Service,
> Email: cet1(a)ucs.cam.ac.uk New Museums Site, Cambridge CB2 3QG,
> Phone: +44 1223 334715 United Kingdom.