> Tech Note 21806
> PRODUCT: ClearCase
> OS: Solaris
> PATCH #:
> CREATED: 1-OCT-2001
> SYMPTOM:Problem when views or vobs are on NetAPP/EMC NAS with Solaris
> servers.
> CAUSE: SUN has caused a defect in synchronous I/O via a series of
> patches.
> ClearCase sites that use a certified Network Attached
> Storage device to hold VOB or view databases served by
> a ClearCase host running Solaris 6, 7, or 8 must not
> apply Solaris patch number 105720-17 to the VOB or view
> server host. This patch introduces a defect in Solaris,
> documented in Sun case number 36381458 (close, EAGAIN),
> which causes protocol failures that could put VOB or
> view data at risk.
> Sun has acknowledged the defect and made the following fixes available:
> OS Version Fix
> -----------------------------------------------
> Solaris 8 Solaris patch # 108727-06 (or later)
> Solaris 7 binary fix
> Solaris 6 binary fix
> The Solaris bug which is actually getting fixed is 4349744.
> There are others out there, but they're all basically duplicates of
> this one.
> The bug is fixed in Solaris 8 with patch 108727-06, and the current
> version of
> this patch is 108727-08.
> Patches for Solaris 7 and Solaris 2.6 should be coming
> shortly. If you, or your customers are running into this issue on either
> 5.7 or 5.6,
> I would strongly recommend opening a case with SUN and asking for the
> binary
> fix, or t-patch to provide relief until the 'real' patch is released.
> For more information, contact Rational Software Technical Support.
Steve Gremban MGTS,CCNA
Texas Instruments, SC Design Systems
Strategy and Development Team
gremban(a) 214-480-7888