Hi All,
We are having a setup of 2 filers with locally attached Tape drives - part
of a Multihost Tape librbary . The scheduling & backup control is via a
Netbackup 4.5 server via NDMP. The filers as well as the Backup server
are a part of a Win2k domain .
On one filer, the backup of /vol/vol0 fails specefically after initiation
of the ndmp session with the filer. All other volumes can be backed up
properly without any such issues. The ndmp session report on the filer is
initiated , tape is opened and then it is displays as halted . In
netbackup the error code is 99 , which asks you to check the backup file
list for invalid entries. The other filer's backup goes well for all
volumes including root.
I have checked by trying /vol/vol0 or /etc or / as the paths , with no
effect.All options seem same on both filers. Can someone suggest what
would specefically need to checked in this case.
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