> What are your problems? There are some tweaks you need to do then
> it should be running of.
We've been running it for years. We got two Win2003 servers as AV
servers for each NetApp cluster we have.
The trouble is not with the filers, but with Symantec. Not too
rarely, an unsuccessfull virus update has left a scan engine in a
dysfunctional state. As it can still be reached from the filer, it
still gets its share of scan requests, which it promptly anwers with
a 0x05 error. Moreover we've had some installation problems lately
with newer versions of the Symantec scanners (We use standard HP
servers, so actually there should be no problem at all).
Besides, Symantec's support has grown so bad during the last two or
three years, they are absolutely no help at all.
Because our license period is about to end, we were thinking about
replacing the Symantec scanners by a different brand, that's why I
wanted to hear about the experience others have made with the
alternatives there are.
Kind regards,
Mark Neis
Mark Neis
System Administrator
Chemnitztalstr. 13
09114 Chemnitz
Tel. +49.(0)371.482.6737
Fax +49.(0)345.585.100.6737
GISA GmbH - Geschäftsführer: Michael Krüger; Sitz der Gesellschaft: Halle (Saale); Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stendal; Handelsregister-Nr. HRB 208414; UST-IdNr: DE 158253683
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