Could you point us at the relevent documentation that describes this? I've
been searching NOW and haven't come up with it yet.
-- Jeff
On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 12:06:18PM -0700, Fox, Adam wrote:
> I haven't received an explanation for it and honestly
> thought it sounded reasonable. It may work under another
> config, but I would think for the vast majority of configs,
> it shouldn't be a problem, especially that if you use the
> dual fiber cards, you get a fiber link for the first hop
> anyway.
> If at all possible, I would wire it up that way just to
> stay within the known good configs.
> -- Adam Fox
> NetApp Professional Services, NC
> adamfox(a)
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jeffrey Krueger []
> > Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 1:45 PM
> > To: Fox, Adam
> > Cc: 'Honeycutt, Michael'; 'toasters(a)'
> > Subject: Re: Hardware Upgrade
> >
> >
> > On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 12:49:40PM -0700, Fox, Adam wrote:
> > > It is suggested if you are hooking up a dual path loop that the
> > > B loop start at the opposite end of the loop as the A loop. In
> > > other words, the B loop starts on the last shelf on the A loop
> > > and works it's way back.
> >
> > Why is that loop configuration suggested?
> >
> > -- Jeff
> >
> >
> >