Any chance someone changed maxfiles?
-----Original Message-----
From: Clawson, Simon []
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 8:36 AM
To: 'Leonard, Roger'; Clawson, Simon
Cc: 'toasters(a)'
Subject: RE: du -s after ndmpcopy - why are the filesizes different?
Yes, I took account of this. The file size is normally on the - rather than
the + side tho. Also, I am running du -s below the top level, doing like for
like comparisons of all sub directories.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Leonard, Roger []
> Sent: Monday July 2001 13:22
> To: 'Clawson, Simon'
> Subject: RE: du -s after ndmpcopy - why are the filesizes different?
> it will put a restoresymboltable file in the target dir which
> can be quite
> large.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Clawson, Simon []
> Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 8:11 AM
> To: 'toasters(a)'
> Subject: du -s after ndmpcopy - why are the filesizes different?
> I ran an NDMP copy on my filer to take some qtrees from one volume to
> another. When I ran du -s on each directory the results were
> different in
> most cases.
> The question I have is -
> Is NDMP copy the tool for the job, and how do I verify the
> results once I
> have run it?
> Any ideas?
> Simon
> Simon Clawson
> HDS Team Systems Administrator
> Mentor Graphics Uk
> Rivergate
> London Road
> Newbury
> Berkshire
> RG14 2QB
> <<Clawson, Simon.vcf>>