> On 26 Nov 2001, David N. Blank-Edelman wrote:
> >
> > So here's my question: since this list has been dormant for a very
> > long time, should it be killed? Is this still a relevant topic and
> > forum for this topic?
> Backing up big datasets will always be a relevant topic
> for some. ;-)
> Is there an already established list that addresses the topic in the
> manner of this list (vendor neutral, OS neutral, platform neutral)?
> If not, I think there is a need for one, and this can be it.
> --
> Brian Tao (BT300, taob(a)risc.org)
> "Though this be madness, yet there is method in't"
From my perspective there is definitely need for a vendor/product,
platform/os independent list that tackles big backup problems.
I do not know any other list than this (mailto:bigbackup@lists.cc.neu.edu)
one, but as said above it's quiet here.