I upgraded last night, and see this message now. Any news from NetApp?
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Caron [mailto:caron@sig.com]
Sent: 03 October 2002 17:10
To: DFinn(a)studentadvantage.com
Cc: toasters(a)mathworks.com
Subject: Re: upgrading the ONTAP version
We were in a similar situation with a clustered pair of F740 filers running
ONTAP 5.3.4R2. They are now running ONTAP 6.2.1D11. The steps I always
follow are:
1) Upgrade filer firmware to latest rev.
2) Upgrade ONTAP version
3) Upgrade disk firmware to latest rev.
Note that the disk firmware upgrades MAY have to come before
the ONTAP version upgrade. There are a few field alerts about
the types of disks that fall into this category on the NOW site.
Also, the newer versions of ONTAP will handle the disk firmware
upgrade automagically, unless you have clustered filers.
The install is not very difficult. The best approach is to just follow the
upgrade steps posted on the NOW site. So far, they have always been
accurate. There is a set of upgrade steps posted with each version of
ONTAP. Also, I have never had a problem with license carry-over.
I believe that the latest system board firmware rev. you want is 2.8_a2
(also posted on the NOW site).
The only weirdness I've seen since the upgrade is the following CIFS audit
[toaster: registry_control:notice]: Restarting CIFS auditing with new
buffer size.
[toaster: registry_control:warning]: option cifs.audit.membufsize: Value
(4096) is out of range (10240 to 262144), using 65536 instead.
I'm still trying to figure out what's causing this. The
cifs.audit.membufsize option is actually set to 65536 on both of the
filers. Also, I've turned CIFS auditing off. However, it mysteriously
turns itself back on every hour. Strange, but it hasn't caused any
problems that I've found yet.
>From: Daniel Finn <DFinn(a)studentadvantage.com>
>To: "'toasters(a)mathworks.com'" <toasters(a)mathworks.com>
>Subject: upgrading the ONTAP version
>Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2002 09:29:05 -0400
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>we have a F740 running an older version of ONTAP, version 5.3.5R2. The
>of our netapps run 6.1.3. What would I need to do in order to bring this
>netapp up to date? I think I can get my hands on the floppy disks. How
>hard is the install? Do all the licenses carry over? Also, the firmware
>release below, 2.3._a2, can/should that be upgraded also?
> NetApp Release 5.3.5R2: Tue Mar 28 15:48:22 PST 2000
> System ID: 0016791464 (na4m-be)
> slot 0: System Board (NetApp System Board V N0)
> Model Name: F740
> Serial Number: 221290
> Firmware release: 2.3_a2
> Memory Size: 512 MB