Learned a new factoid last night that you should keep in mind. The
power draw will spike when a redundant power supply goes in and out (or
up or down). We managed to brown-out a pdu while swapping a bad ps last
night. Quick way to crash a filer.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-toasters(a)mathworks.com [mailto:owner-toasters@mathworks.com]
On Behalf Of Maglinger, Paul
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 5:25 AM
To: 'NetApps list server'
Subject: Amperage readings for NetApp 740 head and shelves
My profound thanks to the numerous replies. A little clarification...
was for sizing PDUs (Power Distribution Units for you non-Compaq/HP
for the server racks and not for air conditioning. Compiling all the
information I went with 2.25A@120VAC for the 740 head and 3.0A@120VAC
the shelves. I think this will get us close enough where we can balance
load sufficiently.
Thanks again!
> Has anyone taken any amperage readings on their heads and shelves? I
> the label that the shelves are rated at 5.5A/120VAC 3.2A/240, but I'm
> wondering about the actual current draw. I could disconnect one of
> power supplies to get the reading, but this is a production system and
> want to tempt fate.
> Thanks!
> That that is, is; that that is not, is not; that that is, is not that
> is not; that that is not, is not that that is. Is that not it? It is.
> Paul Maglinger, A+, CA, CCA, CET, MCSE
> Systems Administrator Shoe Carnival Inc. (812)867-4674