OK...I'm probably being thick but why didn't snapmirror work for you?
I havn't done a flexvol migration yet but for normal migration were
using either snapmirror or ndmpcopy depending on what seemed best at the
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-toasters(a)mathworks.com [mailto:owner-toasters@mathworks.com]
On Behalf Of drew.odonnell(a)americas.bnpparibas.com
Sent: Wednesday, 27 July 2005 8:32 AM
To: toasters(a)mathworks.com
Subject: Re: Traditional Volumes to Flex Volumes
If all of your data is in qtrees, you can snapmirror from a traditional
volume to a flexvol no prob. You can set up a cascade for a production
swap fairly easily with this model. Snapmirror will not work if your
is not in a qtree. NDMP copy will work as well, but you have to do the
whole volume at once which may or may not be desirable, or you may want
to migrate slowly, or separate data etc..
bryer(a)sfu.ca To:
cc: toasters
Sent by: bcc:
owner-toasters(a)mathworks.com Subject: Re:
Traditional Volumes to Flex Volumes
07/26/2005 05:53 PM
We've always used SnapMirror for our data migration needs. But when we
talked to our NetApp rep about planning our migration from traditional
volumes to flex vols he recommended ndmpcopy (SnapMirror wouldn't work
for us). We used ndmpcopy to migrate from a FAS250 with traditional
volumes to a FAS270 with flex vols. Worked beautifully.
Next month I'll be doing the same thing to migrate from an F820 to a
Level 0 ndmcopy to lay down the base, level 1 to copy the week's changes
and then shutdown the necessary services and a final level 2 to pick up
the last of the changes. That should minimize our downtime.
On Tue, Jul 26, 2005 at 09:47:03PM +0200, Steve Pitts wrote:
> I am looking to get a feel for what people think is the best way to
> copy traditional volumes to flex volumes when I upgrade to 7G.
> Currently I SnapMirror my 960C production volumes and qtrees to a
> local R150 and a
> R150 located several hundred miles away. I know I need to update the
> R150 before upgrading the 960C.
> On my R150 I should have enough space to build a large aggregate to
> put multiple flex volumes in. I will be able to delete a couple of the
> traditional volumes to free up more disk once copied into the flex
> I am leaning toward using ndmpcopy to copy the traditional copies to
> volumes. I'm not sure what performance/speed I will get out of using
ndmp. I
> am open to suggestions if anyone has a better way of doing this.
> Thanks,
> Steve Pitts
> General Dynamics
Jeff Bryer bryer(a)sfu.ca
Systems Administrator (604) 291-4935
Academic Computing, Simon Fraser University
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