Okey, sorry for the second reply, but I understand traps much better
I don't understand what you mean about "without killing it"? Do you
mean running the script I wrote ala traps, thereby meaning "killing the
Or instead are you insinulating that traps can have adverse effects on
the Filer? I can't see how the latter can be true, so please elaborate
if you would.
For my purposes, error detection and reporting, traps seem to be the way
to go, however I'm reluctant to use them for the following reasons:
1) Traps add a layer of complexity that is uncomfortable
2) Traps make any application very difficult to easily distribute. This
is mostly due to the added necessity to run and configure a trap daemon.
3) It still doesn't replace the need for direct OID querries, in that
traps are triggered when the netapp thinks they should... I don't yet
trust OnTap
that much.
4) In writing an application to report and notify on the traps you now
have to write an application to parse the traps logs from trapd, rather
than let an OID value set a variable directly. This considerably can
add to complexity, since I don't want reporting to occur if it doesn't
have to.
Can anyone shed so light that might reassure me? Is anyone using traps
in custom applications at their site with some pointers? I only really
became interested in traps when I looked for them in the MIB and found
all the traps to be fault related and mostly proactive which is a BIG
Helpful hints from experience are appreciated.
Ben Rockwood
UNIX Systems Admin
Homestead Inc.
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas.L.White(a)jpmorgan.com [mailto:Thomas.L.White@jpmorgan.com]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 7:11 AM
To: Jose Celestino
Cc: Ben Rockwood; toasters(a)mathworks.com
Subject: Re: UCD SNMP and NetApp MIBs
Have you ever tried to get an SNMP out of one of those traps without
killing it ??
Jose Celestino <japc(a)co.sapo.pt>@mathworks.com on 12/14/2001 08:39:44 AM
Sent by: owner-toasters(a)mathworks.com
To: Ben Rockwood <BRockwood(a)homestead-inc.com>
cc: toasters(a)mathworks.com
Subject: Re: UCD SNMP and NetApp MIBs
Is there any reason not to use snmp traps ?
Thus spake Ben Rockwood, on Wed, Dec 12, 2001 at 04:47:21PM -0800:
> Hello Toasters.
> I'm trying to write a simple dainty application to check for drive
> failures in our Filers. I'm going to implement this app in a PERL
> script which will use UCD SNMP to pull variables from the Filers. The
> problem is that when I walk the SNMP tree on a Filer I only get
> statistics. I'm getting info in the following manner:
> # export MIBFILE="/usr/local/share/snmp/mibs/netapp_1_5.mib"
> # snmpwalk -v 1 bigfiler public
> I get about 2027 lines of output with IP, TCP, UDB, SNMP stats, plus
> address translation tables. But what I really want to see is the the
> RAID tables.
> Any idea what I need to do? I've found no help elsewhere on the net,
> including NetApp's NOW site. I DID find one page on NOW that listed
> several
> SNMP Groups found in the MIB, but I don't know how to access them.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Ben Rockwood
> brockwood(a)homestead-inc.com
Jose Celestino <japc(a)co.sapo.pt>