Typically, the "Administrator" account(s) can connect to the administrative
share (e.g. C$) of a volume. Simply connect to the administrative share and
traverse into the %cifs.home_dir% and into whatever subdirectory you want to.
The question becomes more interesting if you want non-admins to be able to
access user home directories not their own.
Derek Ballard
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Maglinger, Paul []
> Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 3:22 PM
> To: toasters
> Subject: questions regarding setting up cifs.home_dir
> With all the discussion about setting up the home directories
> on the filer,
> I have a few questions...
> On NOW, it says that if you set up home directories the only
> folders that a
> user will be able to see will be their own. Does this apply to
> administrator as well. Will the administrator be able to see
> and access all
> home directories? Currently we have set aside an area of the
> filer for home
> directories, but the whole company is not using them. So
> basically we are
> just mapping the home directory to a drive in User Manager
> for Domains. So
> my question is, if I start using cifs.home_dir, does anyone
> foresee any
> problems. I don't want to have a situation where my users
> can't access
> their data, right?