In message, Jaye Mathisen writes:
I just got done catching my breath, and wiping the tears out of my eyes reviewing the latest storage quote from Netapp for my 540.
Is anybody using some of the other boxes available as adjuncts to the netapp? I'm going to keep my netapps for some very specific users, but I believe I can move significant amounts of data (log files, etc). off to other products, and avoid paying absolutely ridiculous prices...
My needs are mainly NFS, with just a hint of CIFS (that I can live w/o), thrown in.
Thanks in advance.
I stopped by the Netforce booth at SANS. Not bad. They had a workgroup server for ~$5000 with a capacity of 80GB as well as higher end systems. I don't know if I'd trust them for critical data, but they're probably worth a look.