I ran into a similar issue with a network boot disk that Norton Ghost made. I solved the problem by using Bart's network boot disk to connect to our filer. They seem to keep up with new dos drivers/utils for tcp/ip, ms network client, and nic drivers.
You can download the disk from http://students.lco-college.edu/bootcd/network_boot_disk.htm http://students.lco-college.edu/bootcd/network_boot_disk.htm
-----Original Message----- From: steven boyer [mailto:sboyer1@tampabay.rr.com] Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 12:11 PM To: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: Accessing Filer from DOS
If a NT server goes down, we want to be able to re-image the windows server from the filer. We must do this from a DOS prompt. So the question is how do I access the filer using DOS.
The following is the information from our NT Admin:
I am trying to connect to the filer at \crsqfiler\image to create and store images of our WIN2K servers. I used Powerquest to create the boot disks (Powerquest Boot Disk Builder Version 5.01 Build Bdb501.012). I receive the following error when attempting to connect to the filer from DOS - Error 58 The network has responded incorrectly. Attempts to connect to other sharepoints on the filer are also unsuccessful. I can connect to any WIN2K Share with no problem. I have reviewed the issues in the NETAPP Knowledge base, as well as, Powerquest's knowledge base and can find no remedy
Has anyone been able to get this to work?
Does anyone know if his is possible with ONTAP 6.3?