We actually use a F85 filer as NFS server only but we are palnnig to use it also as a CIFS server for our PCs , I wonder if I could safely use a Samba server as a domain controller in combination with the filer as a user data server ?
Any infos/experiences/links welcome
Thanks a lot.
On Mon, Oct 29, 2001 at 11:04:36AM +0100, Frank Bonnet wrote:
We actually use a F85 filer as NFS server only but we are palnnig to use it also as a CIFS server for our PCs , I wonder if I could safely use a Samba server as a domain controller in combination with the filer as a user data server ?
NetApp doesn't officially support samba as PDC. The actual culprit, I believe, is use of Unicode characters by NetApp. We haven't been able to use CIFS for 3.5 years now because of that. Recently we switched from samba to Sun's PC Netlink as a PDC, and NetApp doesn't support it either, although a bug has been filed on it, and there's a slight chance it'll start working in the future. If any1 is listening, I hope something can be done about it ASAP.