I have a f740 filer currently being backed up with one DLT7000 tape drive. I'm tired of switching tapes. Does anyone have any experience with either "Sync Sort or Workstation Solutions" as the software to backup a filer? I am looking to use Spectra Logic products on the hardware side. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Michael A. Horn Associate Geophysicist
Chesapeake Energy Corporation 6106 N. Western Avenue P.O. Box 18496 Oklahoma City, OK 73154-0496 405/879-9282 (office) 405/879-9577 (fax) mhorn@chkenergy.com
I can attest to the excellent support from Workstation Solutions. While we have had a number of issues (mostly caused by the human element on our end), the support staff at WS has always been willing and able to help. And this means speaking with the lead designers for hours on the phone to solve a problem if necessary. Try that with <insert name of big backup software company>.
We have 15 filers (1 F630, 1 F720, 1 F740, 12 F760s), 30+ Solaris servers, about 20 SunOS servers, random DEC, HP, and whatever else, and Quick Restore handles them all. We have everything hooked up to an ATL P3000 (16 DLT7000 drives, 326 slots), but that was mostly for legacy purposes, and the promise of the GbE NDMP library. Talk to an ATL rep if you want more info about that.
If you want more information about either product, I know there's a discussion list for Quick Restore and I'm sure there's one out there for Sync Sort.
Geoff Hardin Dallas Semiconductor MIS UNIX geoff.hardin@dalsemi.com