Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Mr Shun Lao,Managinig Director of China Metallurgical Import & Export Company Limited(CMIE.CO.,LTD) a we are a group of division of Sinosteel Group ofCompanys.
company who deal on import and exportation of raw Materials such as, cocoa,rubber,Cassava, non-metallic minerals such as Calcite,Barytes,Manganese Dioxide, Dolomite Mica ChinaClay,Mangnese Dioxide,Ferrous (Iron) etc intoCanada/America and presently Europe.
We are solicitating for representatives who can helpus establish a medium of getting to our costumers in the Canada/America and Europe as well as making payments through you to us which you will be entitled to earn 10% of every payment made throughyou to us.
Subject to your satisfaction to assist us, youwill be given the opportunity to negotiate your mode of which we will be paying for your services as our representative.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR ANTICIPATED COOPERATION. For more information,please contact me via my officialemail address Yours truly, Mr Shun Lao Managing Director (CMIE.CO.,LTD)