Neil, Very early to determine the exact cause of your problems here. But taking a shot from my previous experiences with Veritas, 99 is generally when the file system path you are trying to backup is not appropriate. Could you check if the path exists or if its a directory? In case this persists, try with a different path and let me know.... Thanks, Amol.
-----Original Message----- From: Conner, Neil [] Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 3:26 PM To: Toasters (E-mail) Subject: ndmpd errors
We just installed a second F740 and configured it for clustering. Both filers are running 6.0.1.R3. The original F740 has a tape library attached via SCSI and backups run fine on it using Veritas netbackup 3.4 patch 559 on Solaris 8.
I'm trying to do a three-way backup of the new filer. On the master server, I set up authentication with "set_ndmp_auth" and I've verified that the master can connect to the new filer.
When I run a backup of /vol/vol0, Veritas aborts with Error 99. The All Logs entry shows: 5/10/2001 3:05:33 PM squid tempest Warning WRN - Cannot backup filepath /vol/vol0, NDMP_HALT_INTERNAL_ERROR occurred (path may not exist), skipping
The filer reports the following messages in syslog:
Thu May 10 15:06:04 PDT [tempest: Java Thread:warning]: Ndmpd10: Top level IOException Thu May 10 15:06:04 PDT [tempest: Java Thread:warning]: Ndmpd10: IO exception: Socket closed.
This is the output from ndmpd probe session:
ndmpd ON. Session: 10 isActive: TRUE protocol version: 2 effHost: Local authorized: TRUE client addr: spt.device_id: none spt.ha: -1 spt.scsi_id: -1 spt.scsi_lun: -1 tape.device: not open tape.mode: Read only mover.state: Idle mover.mode: Read mover.pauseReason N/A mover.haltReason N/A mover.recordSize: 0 mover.recordNum: 0 mover.dataWritten: 0 mover.seekPosition: 0 mover.bytesLeftToRead: 0 mover.windowOffset: -1 mover.windowLength: -1 mover.position: 0 mover.connect.addr_type:LOCAL data.operation: None data.state: Idle data.haltReason: N/A data.connect.addr_type: LOCAL data.bytesProcessed: 0
Anybody see the problem? Neil