At 01:25 pm 3/10/99 -0500, Will Harper wrote:
I can't answer your question directly, but I have "heard" that CIFS is a problem. It works ok, when it is working, but when it hiccups, it is not easily corrected. When a CIFS connection is broken, it stays broken.
A vendor's engineer (Auspex) told me that he had found that an NFS client on NT actually provided better end results for all of the H-A storage systems that he had worked with. He suggested Samba or Hummingbird.
he explained, keeps trying to reconnect until you fix the problem, and
NFS fixes itself.
Samba? Samba is a CIFS server.
As Dave Hitz pointed out, there are tradeoffs with the various protocols, but with a Netapp box you can use whichever suits your needs best.
Mark Muhlestein --