I represent a top company executive in Russia. I have a very sensitive and private brief from this top executive to ask for your partnership to re-profile funds over $5,000,000.00 US Dollars (Five Million US Dollars), in your company's profile.
I considered it very reliable to handle this transaction with you. The funds are coming via a bank in Europe as a re-purchased foreign exchange.
You will be paid 15% for your "management/consultancy Fees", if I am able to reach terms with you. If you are able to work, please write back immediately by Email and provide me with your confidential Telephone, fax, email address and I will provide you step by step of the entire procedures.
Please keep this close to your chest as much as possible to avoid any political problems in Russia.
The transaction will be handled legally, legitimately and purely on genuine level to justify your own end. Write me back if interested. While I look forward to receiving your urgent response.
Mr. Moiseev Vladimir. Co-ordinator. Tel/Fax: +87 476 2727576