"snap delta"
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-----Original Message----- From: aaron hirsch [mailto:aaronh@uptime.net] Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 2:52 PM To: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: RE: command line for a filerview output (snapshot used)
Using Filerview, one can see the amount of space consumed by each
snapshot on any volume, by >going to Volume->Snapshots->Manage screen.
Is there a command line option that will give me the same output?
Volume Name Date Used Total Status vol1 nightly.3 Mar 02 23:26 405.3 MB 1.133 GB
vol1 nightly.2 Mar 03 23:22 735.1 MB 754.5 MB
vol1 nightly.1 Mar 04 23:23 13.21 MB 19.47 MB
vol1 weekly.0 Mar 05 23:19 3.145 MB 6.262 MB
vol1 nightly.0 Mar 06 23:18 1.691 MB 1.691 MB
Are you looking for the exact same syntax? If not, "snap list" should do the trick for you. If you want it on a per volume basis "snap list <volume name>"
Thanks to all who replied. Looks like there is no direct command line option to get the output I was looking for in 6.5x. But for now, Adam's suggestion should work for me:
From: Fox, Adam Adam.Fox@netapp.com Not really. This is calculated behind the scenes by FilerView. The closest thing you have via CLI is
filer> priv set diag filer*> snap stauts <vol>
Each snapshot will have an "owned blocks" column. Since each WAFL block is 4KB, multiply that value by 4KB and you'll get the space value you are looking for. Just be sure to get out of diag mode as soon as you can.
In ONTAP 7.0, there is a snap delta command which is somewhat useful. It's in standard (admin) mode and will tell you the block differences between 2 snapshots or between a snapshot and the active filesystem.
Hope this helps.
-- Adam Fox