Jay Orr orrjl@stl.nexen.com writes:
Any progress on this?
Just surfaced from our usual beginning-of-quarter madness, sorry for the delay. As far as I can tell (from www.liszt.com), there does not exist a list like this, so I've just created a new majordomo mailing list in response to these requests. It seems like folks are interested in both NetApp and Enterprise backup issues so I've tried to name the list accordingly (and in the spirit of BIG-LAN). Details follow:
To subscribe: bigbackup-request@ccs.neu.edu To send to the list: bigbackup@ccs.neu.edu
I'm hoping this will be a good place to discuss technical issues around the backup of large amounts of data from a {Netapp, Auspex, EMC...} box via {Budtool, Legato, QuickRestore...} etc. Other enterprise-wide backup issues are also welcome.
I've set this list to be non-moderated, but closed to postings from non-members. Should the signal-to-noise ratio get too high, I'll flip it to moderated and take it from there. I've also disabled the "who" command so the addresses of the members will not be reaped enmasse by VARs (though I am not hiding the addresses of individual posters). In general, I'd appreciate it if marketing folks could also play nice.
Hope this is useful, please feel free to send any comments or questions about this list directly to me.
Respectfully, David N. Blank-Edelman Director of Technology College of Computer Science Northeastern University