I have some things that I've been working on that would make my quota monitoring much easier but I don't have the skill required to finish it. I'm hoping someone here has both the skill *and* the inclination to help me out. What I have is attached and goes something like this....
I run test-qtree.sh to get the qtree output the way I want it. It creates a file called qtreefile that has dfm's output in colon delimited form. idfile is a list of qtrees and their respective owners, e-mail name and full name; all colon delimited. I would then use the following to make this work:
run test-qtree.sh then nawk -f warn.awk qtreefile idfile
In theory it would look only at qtrees that are 85% full or higher, match those qtrees with the owners in idfile, and send an e-mail to that person letting them know their qtree is getting full.
The warn.awk file is where all the issue lies. It has made it this far not of my own ability, but rather a gentlemen on the awk newsgroup. However, I think there may be some confusion in our communications (and I think he's getting tired of my endless questions) so I thought I'd throw it out here, to people who feel the same pain as I do and have a vested interest (hopefully) in making this work. Or something similar/better.
I have left the idfile as a test file so I can change owners or add as needed, but eventually it would be tied into the qtree creation process and be automatic.
Of course, this whole setup assumes dfm, but could be modified if not.
So here it is... Thanks for any/all help.