We're using an F330 as as news/overview spool, feeding it from a 167 Mhz Axil Ultrasparc over a dedicated 100 Mbps Ethernet. The news software is inn-1.5.1.
It's working just beautifully so far. Neither the NetApp nor the Axil are breathing hard.
Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sthaug@nethelp.no
On Wed, 5 Mar 1997 sthaug@nethelp.no wrote:
How many people do you have reading at the same time? Also do you use the standard Seagate 4 gig disks? Any reason that you decided to go for a 330 rather than a 220?
Dror Matalon Voice: 510 649-6110 Direct Network Access Fax: 510 649-7130 2039 Shattuck Avenue Modem: 510 649-6116 Berkeley, CA 94704 Email: dror@dnai.com