I've got two conflicting pieces of information that I'd like to have sorted out. I initially thought that clustered failover was available on the F760 late last year, and that it was coming to the F740 sometime this quarter. I was then told by a Netapp vendor that last year saw the rollout of clustering on the F630's, and that I should only expect clustering on the F760's this quarter. Clustering on the F740's was not in the plans.
I'm pretty sure I heard right the first time, and I'm told Netapp demonstrated an F740 cluster at LISA'98. I bought a pair of F740's on the assumption that I could get clustering on them for 1999Q1, and I'm about to buy another pair on the same assumption.
"taob" == Brian Tao taob@risc.org writes:
taob> I've got two conflicting pieces of information that I'd like to taob> have sorted out. I initially thought that clustered failover taob> was available on the F760 late last year, and that it was coming taob> to the F740 sometime this quarter. I was then told by a Netapp taob> vendor that last year saw the rollout of clustering on the taob> F630's, and that I should only expect clustering on the F760's taob> this quarter. Clustering on the F740's was not in the plans.
taob> I'm pretty sure I heard right the first time, and I'm told taob> Netapp demonstrated an F740 cluster at LISA'98. I bought a pair taob> of F740's on the assumption that I could get clustering on them taob> for 1999Q1, and I'm about to buy another pair on the same taob> assumption.
I did see a pair of 740s clusetered at LISA. I've also been talking to my reseller about clustering a pair of them, with nary a word of it not being possible. I've also heard of clustering between a 630 and a 7xx, but it "wasn't supported."
+--- In a previous state of mind, fubar@mathworks.com (Kendall Libby) wrote: | | not being possible. I've also heard of clustering between a 630 and a | 7xx, but it "wasn't supported."
I believe the only officially supported platforms are like filers in a cf config. Everything is the same, just less scenarios to send through QA, unfortunately.
While this is good for NetApp (streamline the QA process for new stuff), it is terrible for existing customers that might want to mix & match filers.
The current trade-up plan is also quite lackluster. You can only go from a f630 to a f760, even though the f740 is (performance wise) more similar to the f630 than a f760.
I had purchased a f740 prior to the formal announcement of what the CF supported platforms would be (to pair with a f630). Needless to say, I gambled and lost. I cannot trade the f630 to a f740 (so I can cluster the 2 f740s), and I cannot justify trading a f630 and f740 (if even possible) up to a pair of f760s.
Oh well. Live, learn and get everything in writing.
In message 13990.18533.389513.162205@whorfin, Kendall Libby writes:
"taob" == Brian Tao taob@risc.org writes:
taob> I've got two conflicting pieces of information that I'd like to taob> have sorted out. I initially thought that clustered failover taob> was available on the F760 late last year, and that it was coming taob> to the F740 sometime this quarter. I was then told by a Netapp taob> vendor that last year saw the rollout of clustering on the taob> F630's, and that I should only expect clustering on the F760's taob> this quarter. Clustering on the F740's was not in the plans.
taob> I'm pretty sure I heard right the first time, and I'm told taob> Netapp demonstrated an F740 cluster at LISA'98. I bought a pair taob> of F740's on the assumption that I could get clustering on them taob> for 1999Q1, and I'm about to buy another pair on the same taob> assumption.
I did see a pair of 740s clusetered at LISA. I've also been talking to my reseller about clustering a pair of them, with nary a word of it not being possible. I've also heard of clustering between a 630 and a 7xx, but it "wasn't supported."
The F740's support clustering. I'm currently waiting (very anxiously) for my cluster to ship. We have too many systems depending on a little old F330 right now.