Having lived through a NetWare to NT migration at a previous employer I can share a few tidbits with you. You're gonna have to bite the bullet because moving the data and shares over is a manual process. If you haven't already done so, you'll need to have your NT or Win2K domain in place and dual redirectors installed (and working) on the client machines (more on this in the white paper referenced below). You can migrate the user home directories over in smaller (perhaps departmental) groups. I don't know how receptive your team is to working weekends but we split up into teams and alternated Saturday shifts so that when the users came in on Monday, everything was migrated.
There are some tools, though, to facilitate migrating NDS user accounts over to Active Directory. We've not used them in-house but here are a few names you might want to look into:
Netvision: Synchronicity NetIQ: Netware Migrator Microsoft: as I recall they also have an NDS->AD tool available.
Check out this article (product recommendations in the side bar): http://www.computerworld.com/cwi/story/0,1199,NAV47_STO52669,00.html
Don't know if you've already seen this but perhaps you can glean a few pearls of wisdom by giving a quick scan: http://www.netapp.com/tech_library/3053.html
Paul Benn Network Appliance
-----Original Message----- From: Ambrose_Earle@shamrockfoods.com [mailto:Ambrose_Earle@shamrockfoods.com] Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 8:46 AM To: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: Novell integration/migration experiences
Anyone out there have any war stories about integrating and then migrating user shares from Netware to a filer and then ultimately to an NT-only environment that they'd like to share?