CIFS Question... Anyone know how to add "local" groups to a filer from the command line? I can't seem to find a method.
______________________________________ Lawrence D. Nail, MGTS Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer on Windows(r) 2000 Strategic Development Team Design Systems Texas Instruments Incorporated
ntsec tools from pedestal software will.
ntuser -s filer lgroup new test
in win2k reskit cusrmgr -u UserName [-m \ComputerName] [{-r UserName | -d NewUserName}] [{-p | -P Password}] [-rlg OldGroupName NewGroupName] [-rgg OldGroupName NewGroupName] [-alg LocalGroupName] [-agg GlobalGroupName] [-dlg LocalGroupName] [-dgg GlobalGroupName] [-c Comment] [-f FullName] [-U UserProfile] [-n LogonScript] [-h HomeDir] [-H HomeDirDrive] [{+s | -s} Property]
-u UserName specifies the user account on which to perform the operation. This switch is case-sensitive: it takes a lower-case u. -m \ComputerName specifies the name of the computer (machine) on which to perform the operation. The default is the local computer.
Group Functions -rlg OldGroupName NewGroupName renames local group OldGroupName to NewGroupName. -rgg OldGroupName NewGroupName renames global group OldGroupName to NewGroupName. -alg LocalGroupName adds user specified by -u UserName to local group LocalGroupName.
"Nail, Larry" wrote:
CIFS Question... Anyone know how to add "local" groups to a filer from the command line? I can't seem to find a method.
Lawrence D. Nail, MGTS Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer on Windows(r) 2000 Strategic Development Team Design Systems Texas Instruments Incorporated