We have an F85 and is has worked well for us. We just had an new SCSI card installed because of a recall and a tech. showed up on-site and made things painless.
We use mostly NFS, but some CIFS.
My only complaint would be that performance suffers when performing backups and restores with the single CPU. EMC touts that the processors run seperate processes for Management and processing.
The F85 was 1/2 the price of the IP4700 and we had it setup in less than a 1/2 day.
-----Original Message----- From: Barry Lustig [mailto:barry@lustig.com] Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 10:44 AM To: Toasters Subject: F85
Has anybody had any experience with the F85? I'm most interested in the hardware. As a continuation of my last message, EMC is pushing hard with an IP4700 against an F85. They've been touting the reliability of their box and that it has no single point of failure (2 processors, etc). I'd like to know if anyone on the list has deployed the F85 and can give a reference on them. Also, does anyone know what type of failover the IP4700 is actually providing between their 2 storage processors. It doesn't look at first glance that the surviving processor takes over the MAC address of the dead processor. It just starts arping for the IP address of its partner.