From Wed Apr 29 10:05:13 1998
Gentle readers, Before I ask NetApp directly, I was curious if anyone knew of the syslog level that NetApp filers use? I want to redirect syslog daemon messages to a remote host but keep the NetApp-specific messages in a different file from the regular UNIX system messages. I was hoping it used something like level1 or level2. If anyone knows the answer I'd be most appreciative to this kind person.
I'm not sure you can log NetApp specific messages to a different file since the filer uses the same levels as regular Unix systems - (see na_syslog.conf(5)). What you could do is log NetApp specific messages to a remote system and grep for the filer's hostname in the remote system's messages file. It's probably easiest to drive this with a cron script.
You might also be interested in Swatch which is a tool (publically available, I think) that allows you to monitor messages files and trigger on user defined events.