Get a question regarding SnapMirror ... Did someone is using it to replicate 2 filers ( na1, na2 ) to 1 guy on a remote site ( nahots ). The idea is to backup all datas ( no REAL TIME ) using the snapMirror software.
Do you know if it integrates reporting functions ? Volumes transfered over Time it took, Errors,
What are the way to get those reports ( MAIL, update HTML pages on the FilerView ... ).
Well, basically, what I like to get is a nice successful story :-)
------------------------------------------------------------ Gilles TOURPE - System and Network Administrator APS BNP ARBITRAGE - Salle des marches ACTIONS - PARIS - France Phone : (33)-1-40-14-24-03 e-mail : gilles@bnpcn.com
this should be possible. Snapmirror works at the volume level as opposed to the filer level. You must set up "nahots" with multiple volumes that match the sizes of na1 and na2. These should be separate from your operating system volume as well. You could then SnapMirror na1:/vol/vol0 to nahots:/vol/na1_mirror and then SnapMirror na2:/vol/vol0 to nahots:/vol/ns2_mirror, where na1_mirror and na2_mirror are separate volumes large enough to hold all the data from the originating system.
SnapMirror uses a crontab like file called /etc/snapmirror.conf which contains the following information: source_filer:source_volume destination_filer:destination_volume \ kbs=(max speed of data transfer) schedule
The schedule contains four fields: minute, hour, day of month, and day of week.
The other file that SnapMirror uses is /etc/snapmirror.allow which is a list of filers from which you may replicate volumes.
I hope this helps.
Gilles TOURPE wrote:
Get a question regarding SnapMirror ... Did someone is using it to replicate 2 filers ( na1, na2 ) to 1 guy on a remote site ( nahots ). The idea is to backup all datas ( no REAL TIME ) using the snapMirror software.
Do you know if it integrates reporting functions ? Volumes transfered over Time it took, Errors,
What are the way to get those reports ( MAIL, update HTML pages on the FilerView ... ).
Well, basically, what I like to get is a nice successful story :-)
Gilles TOURPE - System and Network Administrator APS BNP ARBITRAGE - Salle des marches ACTIONS - PARIS - France Phone : (33)-1-40-14-24-03 e-mail : gilles@bnpcn.com