In message 017701be8c36$ac160740$, "Jim McCoy" writes:
Jason Kelleher writes:
ONTAP 5.3 has an optional (license required !) "snaprestore" feature [...
And if you don't have the license can you still call support and have them walk you through the undocumented procedures to do this from a boot floppy
You really don't even need to boot floppy (search for the the "floppy-boot? " setting in the boot system) if you are in a hurry. The prev_cp works for 5.x as well but it is a bit of a hack to do this sort of a restore (OTOH I doubt that the "snaprestore" is anything more than a wrapper over prev_cp which masks out the checkpoints stored in the NVRAM log.)
they should've spent more money on books and less on leather jackets
Come on, those were pretty sweet jackets! :) (and the logo was rather
The jacket was nice. Have you seen the nice black polo shirts? My sales rep still owes me a couple, but I'm pretty sure he's avoiding me. I left him voice mail asking how much trouble it would be to return our cluster and he had our StorNet VAR call me. Very disappointing. Guess I can't really blame him. He made the mistake of showing up at my office last Feb after a couple of NetApp delivery mix ups (involving said cluster) which cost me several hours on a Friday night and another couple on a Monday afternoon (they knew about the mix up Thursday - didn't tell me 'til Monday). I had our VAR warn him I didn't want to talk to him, but...
subdued for a corporate freebie.) Last I heard they decided to pocket the money they were spending on the jackets and the class docs are still very weak. They should also put the class docs onto the web somewhere because
Very weak. I'd have settled for a Table of Contents -- an Index would've been great. The instructors were good. Too bad I don't have a phonographic memory. They did do a good job of answering any odd questions I could come up with.
there are times when the docs aren't handy and I need to remember if it is 26/7 or 28/7 that fries my disks...
Not sure about putting the docs on the web. I think that's asking for somebody to trash their filer and blame NetApp for showing them how. Even after taking the class I doubt I'd play with the special commands without tech support on the phone... at least not on a production filer.