One plea, from the heart:
If your site has seen performance issues on NFS between Suns and NetApps please, please log support calls with Sun, NetApp and the switch vendors.
And don't let any of them off the hook until you get patches, workarounds explanations and reliable performance all the time.
It'll help everyone else - particularly of you have the chutzpah to drive the calls hard and make lots of noise. When this stuff gets back to the engineering groups *then* and *only* then will the decent work get done.
Sorry if this is egg-sucking 101, but I find, as a conslutant (or whatever you want to call me) that people are way too backward about pushing the vendors, and far too willing to just moan to friends.
This Sun-NetApp discussion crops up again and again on this list, and it's obviously a real bugbear for lots of people, so I'd like to get it squished once and for all.
Message ends.