I'd be interested to hear what people do with the snapshots on a NetApp which is used as News spool. My feeling is that it's mostly wasted - we're not concerned with a user accidentally deleting files here.
Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sthaug@nethelp.no
Just set snap reserve to 0 and disable snapshots. If snapshots were previously on you may have to do some cleanup w/ snap delete SNAPSHOT_NAME.
Roger J. Anderson Consulting Systems Engineer Network Appliance, Inc. 5001 Spring Valley Road Suite 400E Dallas, TX 75244 (W)972-383-1233 (FX)972-419-6380 (Pager)1-800-SKYPAGE Pin#249-4408 Customer Service 1-800-220-4622 rogera@netapp.com support@netapp.com http://www.netapp.com