Hello all, i know it's a long email but i had to describe the system to give you a clear idea.
My system contains: *A robot library: Sun Storedge L1000, with 2 tape drives in it. *2 NDMP hosts to be connected physically to this library, they are NetApp filers , ONTAP 5.3.6R2 , *On the same LAN i got an Ultra10 solaris 7 machine on which installed Veritas NetBackup 3.4 data center with NDMP option installed, this will be my master/media server.
What i'm wondering about now is: 1.The filer connected to the library detects it as mc0 but does not detect the drives in the library. is there a reconfiguration reboot to do in netapp ? i did reboot it but no change.
2.On adding the robot to NetBackup configuration, it requires: device host = master/media server (NetBackup for NDMP server). volume database host = master/media server (NetBackup for NDMP server).
robot device = logic name of robot NDMP host name = ?? ex: toaster1
Here i need to specify an NDMP host name . So will i create a robot entry for each NDMP host? though they r both connected to same robot ??
3.On adding the drive, it depends also on the NDMP host name: ex: toaster1:nrst0a will the other drive be toaster1:nrst1a , or toaster2:nrst1a ???
4.Then on adding the storage unit: it also needs NDMP host name, will i add 2 storage units with the same configuration but differ in NDMP hostname only ??
I know it's a complex configuration, i'm planning for it from about 6 weeks ago and still doing search on it
Have you got any idea about such configuration? Is it ok to connect both netapp filers to same library?
Best Regards , -- Ahmed.