There used to be a add-in for Windows Explorer that would add a tab on the explorer window allowing you to change the Unix permissions on a Unix qtree. I could've sworn I downloaded from NOW, but I can no longer find it. Anyone remember this and know where I can get it?
A hammer is a great tool... but not for cutting glass.
Paul Maglinger, A+, CA, CCA, CET, MCSE
Systems Administrator Shoe Carnival Inc. (812)867-4674
Its still there. Its called "SecureSahre" and its under Download Software->Tools & Utilities.
You have to scroll way down the list to find it.
Maglinger, Paul wrote:
There used to be a add-in for Windows Explorer that would add a tab on the explorer window allowing you to change the Unix permissions on a Unix qtree. I could've sworn I downloaded from NOW, but I can no longer find it. Anyone remember this and know where I can get it?
A hammer is a great tool... but not for cutting glass.