We have a project scheduled for completion at the end of December to allow customers with text based browsers to download software from the Web. This is in direct response to issue discussed 6 weeks ago regarding customers who have filers in remote locations or colo cages where no graphics console is available.
Details will come out mid-December about this new location and how to use it.
-----Original Message----- From: Pete Ehlke [mailto:pde@listserv.music.sony.com] Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 12:14 PM To: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: NOW update?
Six weeks or so ago, there was extensive discussion here about the use of javascript on NOW, and the inability of people in colo cages to get OnTap updates when no craphics capable console is available.
NetApp made a fair bit of noise about wanting to address the issue, but since that time, the silence has been deafening. What's happening?