The purpose of this email is to ask if I can configure multiple IP addresses per physical interface on an F330.
Sure. It's very easy using the "alias" option to ifconfig(1). For example, the sequence:
ifconfig e0 ifconfig e0 alias
will put a couple of addresses on the e0 interface.
If it is possible I did not see reference to it in the manuals.
It's described on the na_ifconfig(1) man page in the command reference guide for Data ONTAP 4.3.X. If you have a NOW account, you can obtain this electronically from:
the filer is a F330 running 4.0.2c (?) and I have NFS over TCP turned off.
Hmmm. I don't know offhand when the multiple IP addresses on a single interface support was formally introduced. There's a chance it was post 4.0.2c, although I'm not certain. If your na_ifconfig(1) man page doesn't mention the "alias" option, you may need to get a hold of a newer software release. Again, you can download that from the NOW web site if you have an account there.
On Sat, 14 Feb 1998, Keith Brown wrote:
According to the man page:
The interface name vh is used to specify IP virtual host addresses associated with the filer. Only alias addresses (using the alias option) may be assigned to the vh interface.
So I can assign multiple IP's to vh... how do I bind those IP's to a physical interface? Or is this only used for the virtual hosting feature in the HTTP server?