Hi Brain,
When I switched the mount to v2 (udp), these errors went away, and performance seemed to increase. Netapp documentation recommends v3, but it doesnt seem to work very well in my environment.
V3 uses larger udp packets then v2.
There are a couple network switches in the market place that are know to drop UDP packets (UDP - a.k.a. You Drop Packets) when they get overloaded. To drop packets by design is a wrong policy that even is used by one of the biggest internet plumbers. Especially when knowing the motivation that is something like 'udp is an unreliable protocol, the application will resent the packet when it does not arrive'. Imagine what happens with your application NFSv3 that uses packets of 32K rather then 4K (v2). The packet has almost arrived, then the switch drops it because it is too busy doing other things. The packet needs to be retransmitted taking unnecessary part of the available bandwidth .... Enfin, it ends as an avalanche of never arriving packets.
What switches do you have?