Hello Toasters :-)
i have seen something strange on one of our R200. Last week i got an error message with the following output:
[scsi.cmd.notReadyCondition:notice]: Device 2b.35: Device returns not yet ready: CDB 0x28:18974bb9:0009: Sense Data SCSI:not ready - (0x2 - 0x4 0x7 0x2a)(65103).
[scsi.cmd.checkCondition:error]: Device 2b.35: Check Condition: CDB 0x28:154efb9d:022e: Sense Data SCSI:not ready - (0x2 - 0x4 0x7 0x2a)(209311).
[raid.config.filesystem.disk.recovering:error]: Attempting to bring file system Disk /aggr0/plex0/rg1/2b.35 Shelf 2 Bay 3 [NETAPP X266_MTOMC320PAD R5VV] S/N [A81K4MBE] back into service.
......normal procedure of taking one spare and reconstruct the raid group. But then comes what i am wondering about.....
[raid.assim.disk.spare:notice]: Sparing Disk /2b.35 Shelf 2 Bay 3 [NETAPP X266_MTOMC320PAD R5VV] S/N [A81K4MBE], because volume is online and complete
The System takes the broken disk as a spare?!? How can this be?
Perhaps anybody can help because NOW does not explain this situation deep enough to make it understandable to me :D