No. SnapRestore is an add-on functionality that leverages the snapshot techology built into WAFL.
SnapRestore comes in 2 flavors, both are included with the SnapRestore license:
1) Volume SnapRestore: This allows you to revert an entire non-root volume back to a point in time in a few seconds regardless of volume size. A root volume will require a reboot. But it doesn't matter if the volume is 50MB or 8TB it can be recovered in seconds.
2) Single File SnapRestore: This feature allows you to do an in-place recovery of a (usually) large file very quickly. This is particularly useful if you had a corrupted image on LUN and wanted to go back to a known good image.
That being said, with *no* SnapRestore license, you can still take snapshots and still recover individual files in WAFL via a NAS client. This feature is and always has been bundled with ONTAP.
There may be some add-on software pacakges that require a SnapRestore license like SnapDrive. Don't quote me on that, but I can easily believe that SnapDrive would want a SnapRestore license for LUN recovery. You may want to check with your rep if you are looking at SnapDrive.
Hope this helps.
-- Adam Fox
From: Linux Admin [] Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 10:59 AM To: NetApp Toasters List Subject: snapshot and snaprestore licneses
Can someone please quickly explain to me how netapp licensing work:
Do you need to buy SnapRestore license to have SnapShot capabilities?