In the old days all they would have had was flint chisels and Buffalo hair!
p.s. yes scw, I did accidentally delete mathworks from the mailing list instead of you.
"Stephen C. Woods" 07/14/00 06:23am >>>
Now where's the fun in that??? ;-) You should be able to perform
all your filer hardware maintenance with a hunting knife, some
gum, and two feet of piano wire. :)
Uhmmmm I think that you might have ment bailing wire, given that Piano wire will probably take a nick out of your knide blade.
----- Stephen C. Woods; UCLA SEASnet; 2567 Boelter hall; LA CA 90095; (310)-825-8614 Finger for public key,Internet mail:scw@SEAS.UCLA.EDU
"TCOOK" == Timothy Cook writes:
Power tools should only be used for chassis or shelf swaps, unless we want an Unlimited Class where power tools are allowed in all cases. Air tools are right out. :-P
TCOOK> p.s. yes scw, I did accidentally delete mathworks from the TCOOK> mailing list instead of you.
Hey! No fair taking us off our own mailing list !!