Following up on my own posting:
It looks a _lot_ like SNMP is the culprit - we have a script, run daily, that extracts information (via SNMP) from the filer about qtrees. Running this scipt by hand made the filer go bananas (CPU pegged at 100%, until i did a 'quota off;quota on'.
The interesting bit of the script is as follows :
for $host (ListService("netapp-server", "ALL")) { mkdir($host, 02775) unless (-d $host); # netapp.netapp1.quota.quotaState.0 ($state) = snmpget ($host, $cmty, ''); if ($state != 2) { warn "$host does not have quotas initialized (state = $state)"; next; } $id=0; while (1) { $id++; # netapp.netapp1.quota.qrTable.qrEntry.qrIndex # netapp.netapp1.quota.qrTable.qrEntry.qrType @ret = snmpget ($host, $cmty, ''.$id, ''.$id, ''.$id, ); last if $ret[0] < 0; next if $ret[1] != 3; # Only qrTypeTree $ret[2] =~ y/A-Z/a-z/; ($fs = $ret[2]) =~ s%/%-%g; print CFG <<EOF; << print to mrtg.cfg-file >> EOF; } }
So. This works fine on 4.x - and it looks like it works fine on a F330 running 5.1pre (but this box does not have 160K users on it).
Anyone have any ideas ?