We are soon to start SnapMirroring our Oracle databases and I'm looking for some tried-and-true best practices.
Where are your files stored? How often do you SnapMirror them? Have you tested disaster recovery?
Any and all information would be greatly appreciated.
We have F880 filers running 11 DR databases using DataGuard. We create Development and Test environments using either snapmirror or ndmpcopy from the Disaster Recovery database running in Mount mode all the time without any issue.
----- Original Message ----- From: Ambrose_Earle@shamrockfoods.com To: toasters@mathworks.com Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 4:46 PM Subject: SnapMirror and Oracle
We are soon to start SnapMirroring our Oracle databases and I'm looking
some tried-and-true best practices.
Where are your files stored? How often do you SnapMirror them? Have you tested disaster recovery?
Any and all information would be greatly appreciated.