WIll I run into any license issues during this NDU? Hate to be trying to get a license code at 3am… The ones that are critical are NFS, Multistore and snap mirror
The systems have license codes for:
a_sis cluster cluster_remote flex_clone flexcache_nfs http iscsi multistore nearstore_option nfs snapmirror snapmirror_sync snapmover snaprestore syncmirror_local
I noticed our standby cluster (already running 8.1.RC2) lists:
a_sis ENABLED cf CODE cf_remote CODE compression ENABLED disk_sanitization ENABLED flash_cache ENABLED flex_scale ENABLED flexcache_nfs ENABLED http ENABLED iscsi CODE multistore ENABLED nearstore_option ENABLED nfs CODE operations_manager ENABLED persistent_archive ENABLED protection_manager ENABLED provisioning_manager ENABLED snapmirror CODE snapmirror_sync ENABLED snapmover ENABLED snaprestore CODE storage_services ENABLED sv_linux_pri ENABLED sv_unix_pri ENABLED sv_vi_pri ENABLED sv_windows_ofm_pri ENABLED sv_windows_pri ENABLED syncmirror_local CODE vld ENABLED