Paul, Here is my two cents worth ...with Veritas Netbackup /w NDMP option (as of version 3.4x) you can not share tape drives assigned to NDMP Servers (Netapp) even with the Shared Storage Option. Note: I am sure I will get some feedback from Netapp engineering on this as not being supported since you are setting up zoning but here goes....I would setup a separate zone on the Fibre switch which includes only the Netapp HBA and the ports on the Fibre to SCSI router with the tape drives the Netapp will use (Note: I would make sure only the drives which the Netapp needs to use are on the Fibre to SCSI router ports included in the zone). I would then zone each Media Servers HBA and the Fibre to SCSI routers ports which include all the other drives into a separate zone. This will save you the headache of trying to find out which luns (NDMP tape drives) not to use when you configure the Media Servers lun mappings. Hope this helps, Mike
-----Original Message----- From: Carruthers, Paul A [mailto:Paul_Carruthers@AIMFUNDS.COM] Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 4:05 PM To: '' Subject: Netbackup, ATL and Toasters
OK, this may have been drilled before, so forgive me.
We have an existing ATL P6000 backing up our Unix and NT boxes via a SAN switch and NetBackup 3.4 that we now want to hook the filers into...
I believe that the tape drives and the filers need to be in the same zone, if this is the case can the tape drives be used by other devices when not in use by the fiers??
Cheers -- Paul.