You must be a member of BUILTIN\administrators on the filer to run server manager. Look at the output of "cifs sessions -s" to confirm that. If not, you need to add your account (or a group that your account is in) to BUILTIN\administrators.
This situation sometimes arises because by default the filer's BUILTIN\administrators group only has the "domain admins" group for the domain the filer is installed into. If that is a resource domain you may not be a member of the right group.
-----Original Message----- From: White, Lance [] Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 5:38 PM To: 'Malek Hamdan' Cc: '' Subject: RE: CIFS
Check to see if your /etc/password file is missing on the Filer. Should at least look like:
root::0:1::/: pcuser::65534:65534::/: nobody::65535:65535::/:
Can you see ANY shares from your client? (i.e. \<netapp>\home (where <netapp> is the name of the filer)at least?)
-----Original Message----- From: Malek Hamdan [] Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 5:20 PM To: Subject: CIFS
I have just installed Data ONTAP 6.1R1 with CIFS support. I am using domain authentication, though I am unable to manage shares or permissions through the server manager. Instead I get an "access denied" message.
Can anyone shed some light on what I might be doing wrong??
Kind regards MH