Let me introduce myself. I am the Sr. System Administrator and all around chief tech-nerd for CyberRamp Internet Services in Dallas, TX. We are a ~16,000 user IS.
We recently (~6-8 weeks ago) put up a F520-110 Filer running 5.0.1 software. When I try to run INN (InterNetNews) 1.7.2 and put it's overview files on the filer, I get Overchan hanging very regularly on a fcntl(F_SETLK,...)/fcntl(F_SETLKW,...) loop.
My question for the assembled guru's is: Is anyone else seeing this? What other information should/could I supply to help?
I can't afford to recreate this many more times, as recovery is a pain.
Any help/advice would be appreciated!
Larry Rosenman
On Sun, 19 Jul 1998, Larry Rosenman-CyberRamp System Administration wrote:
We recently (~6-8 weeks ago) put up a F520-110 Filer running 5.0.1 software. When I try to run INN (InterNetNews) 1.7.2 and put it's overview files on the filer, I get Overchan hanging very regularly on a fcntl(F_SETLK,...)/fcntl(F_SETLKW,...) loop.
I had this happen once before with an INN 1.5.1 server (running on a Sun Ultra-1, Solaris 2.5.1) with its spool on an F230 running 4.2a. After about a day of investigation, I simply rebooted the Sparc and the problem went away. The server and innd process have been running since Dec 14 now, and the problem has not reappeared since. You didn't mention what platform runs your INN server.
Server is a Solaris SPARC 2.5 system.
Re-booting (it's been rebooted NUMEROUS times) didn't help.
Thanks, tho.
Larry Rosenman
From taob@tor-dev1.nbc.netcom.ca Wed Jul 22 23:00:01 1998 X-Envelope-To: ler@cyberramp.net Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 23:59:41 -0400 (EDT) From: Brian Tao taob@risc.org X-Sender: taob@tor-dev1.nbc.netcom.ca Reply-To: Brian Tao taob@risc.org To: Larry Rosenman-CyberRamp System Administration ler@cyberramp.net cc: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: Re: INN 1.7.2+insync/Overview/5.0.1 F520-110 In-Reply-To: 199807191724.MAA23113@mailhost.cyberramp.net Message-ID: Pine.GSO.3.96.980722235537.10599U-100000@tor-dev1.nbc.netcom.ca
On Sun, 19 Jul 1998, Larry Rosenman-CyberRamp System Administration wrote:
We recently (~6-8 weeks ago) put up a F520-110 Filer running 5.0.1 software. When I try to run INN (InterNetNews) 1.7.2 and put it's overview files on the filer, I get Overchan hanging very regularly on a fcntl(F_SETLK,...)/fcntl(F_SETLKW,...) loop.
I had this happen once before with an INN 1.5.1 server (running on
a Sun Ultra-1, Solaris 2.5.1) with its spool on an F230 running 4.2a. After about a day of investigation, I simply rebooted the Sparc and the problem went away. The server and innd process have been running since Dec 14 now, and the problem has not reappeared since. You didn't mention what platform runs your INN server. -- Brian Tao (BT300, taob@risc.org) "Though this be madness, yet there is method in't"
Upgrading a PRODUCTION ISP SERVER is not possible (I don't have a spare machine to use for the 1-2days to upgrade to 2.6.
PS: The same code runs fine on LOCAL DISK.
Larry Rosenman
From taob@tor-dev1.nbc.netcom.ca Wed Jul 22 23:16:04 1998 X-Envelope-To: ler@cyberramp.net Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 00:15:45 -0400 (EDT) From: Brian Tao taob@risc.org X-Sender: taob@tor-dev1.nbc.netcom.ca To: Larry Rosenman-CyberRamp System Administration ler@cyberramp.net cc: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: Re: INN 1.7.2+insync/Overview/5.0.1 F520-110 In-Reply-To: 199807230401.XAA04121@mailhost.cyberramp.net Message-ID: Pine.GSO.3.96.980723001514.10599V-100000@tor-dev1.nbc.netcom.ca
On Wed, 22 Jul 1998, Larry Rosenman-CyberRamp System Administration wrote:
Server is a Solaris SPARC 2.5 system.
Have you tried upgrading to 2.5.1 or 2.6 with the latest patch
Brian Tao (BT300, taob@risc.org) "Though this be madness, yet there is method in't"
On Wed, 22 Jul 1998, Larry Rosenman-CyberRamp System Administration wrote:
Upgrading a PRODUCTION ISP SERVER is not possible (I don't have a spare machine to use for the 1-2days to upgrade to 2.6.
I don't want to tell you how to run your ISP, but surely you have a defined maintenance window that allows you to at least apply a set of NFS-related patches to a running box, and then rebooting it? At worst, the behaviour won't change, but OTOH, it may solve your file locking problems, and you can move on to other things.
I have applied ALL current NFS patches to that machine. Upgrading VERSIONS is what I have not done.
The latest Patch Clusters and ALL NFS patches ARE on that box.
Larry Rosenman
From taob@tor-dev1.nbc.netcom.ca Thu Jul 23 08:14:43 1998 X-Envelope-To: ler@cyberramp.net Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 09:14:24 -0400 (EDT) From: Brian Tao taob@risc.org X-Sender: taob@tor-dev1.nbc.netcom.ca To: Larry Rosenman-CyberRamp System Administration ler@cyberramp.net cc: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: Re: INN 1.7.2+insync/Overview/5.0.1 F520-110 In-Reply-To: 199807230418.XAA11553@mailhost.cyberramp.net Message-ID: Pine.GSO.3.96.980723091052.10599W-100000@tor-dev1.nbc.netcom.ca
On Wed, 22 Jul 1998, Larry Rosenman-CyberRamp System Administration wrote:
Upgrading a PRODUCTION ISP SERVER is not possible (I don't have a spare machine to use for the 1-2days to upgrade to 2.6.
I don't want to tell you how to run your ISP, but surely you have
a defined maintenance window that allows you to at least apply a set of NFS-related patches to a running box, and then rebooting it? At worst, the behaviour won't change, but OTOH, it may solve your file locking problems, and you can move on to other things. -- Brian Tao (BT300, taob@risc.org) "Though this be madness, yet there is method in't"