Hi all,
Unit 720 with on-board 100BaseT, DataONTAP 6.1, NFS over UDP 32K, all Sun clients. Performance degradation was obvious after the switch was upgraded to the Cisco 6050. Had been testing with the TCP changes and changing the UDP datagram size to 8K but no significant improvement. Is there any tweaking I can try before I attempt to add a quad card or gigabit card?
What can I deduce from the ifstat below with regards to the list overflow, underflow value? I'm not sure whether it is an acceptable amount of errors or an obvious performance issue given the amount of data transferred. Another query I have is the "high" misses of the NFS cache reply stats.
I would appreciate any input to the above queries.
Regards, Nic
RECEIVE Packets: 3634m | Bytes: 1421g | Total errors: 0 No buffers: 0 | Length errors: 0 | Runt frames: 0 Long frames: 0 | Collisions: 0 | CRC errors: 0 H/w overflow: 136 | List overflow: 44048 | Rst frame drops: 0 TRANSMIT Packets: 6606m | Bytes: 6761g | Total errors: 37 Collisions: 0 | Late collisions: 0 | Excess coll: 0 Queue overflow: 3913 | No carrier: 0 | H/w underflow: 11 Defer: 0 | Link failure: 25 | Time out: 0 List underflow: 1515 | Loss of carrier: 0 | No buffers: 0 DEVICE Resets: 2 LINK INFO Auto: Disabled | Mediatype: 100tx-fd | Link Partner: Unknown | Link State: Up
NFS reply cache statistics: TCP: In progress Delay hits Misses Idempotent Non-idempotent 0 0 6075661 0 0 UDP: In progress Delay hits Misses Idempotent Non-idempotent 3233 6072 642460762 5550 1024