Has anyone thought of adding a counter for the number of NVRAM flushes for a given rolling period?
My understanding is that one of the issues in achieving excellent performance on writes is avoiding, or dealing with, back-to-back consistency points.
It strikes me that a simple metric based on the number of NVRAM flushes-to-disk over the last 60-seconds, updated every 5 seconds say, would give people a handle on whether there's a bottleneck happening there.
It might be even more interesting to keep track of in the clustered-filer environment.
I'll second that; all in favor? Motion carried. Any other new business? :)
---- Gordon Keegan, M10-10 Phone: (508) 261-4696 Motorola ISG Fax: (508) 261-5757 20 Cabot Boulevard Mansfield, MA 02048 email: lgk011@dma.isg.mot.com
Has anyone thought of adding a counter for the number of NVRAM flushes for a given rolling period?
My understanding is that one of the issues in achieving excellent performance on writes is avoiding, or dealing with, back-to-back consistency points.
It strikes me that a simple metric based on the number of NVRAM flushes-to-disk over the last 60-seconds, updated every 5 seconds say, would give people a handle on whether there's a bottleneck happening there.
It might be even more interesting to keep track of in the clustered-filer environment.